Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Obama is now Irish, Kenyan/African American, AND Asian now...

So I find it fascinating on how, for multiracial people, so many people identify with them. I mean, look at this:

and this article: Obama the first Asian-American president?

And even from multiracial people I have heard, they say how people will think they are many different cultures. To Italians, they are Italian, to Greeks, they are Greek, to Spanish, they are Spanish, and so forth. That maybe an amazing or bad thing about multiraciality. It connects cultures in the very basic way: genes, and then others will be able to identify with them no matter where they are. The only problem with that is that other people are imposing identities on you, and its got to become frustrating. But all these articles about multiraciality and every culture claiming Obama (who wouldn't?) as their own really made me think.

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