Monday, April 13, 2009

Cool Project

So i found this random project and its really cool! This is the site. Its called the "bi-racial doll project" and it deals with how bi-racials in China are seen as so super beautiful. I think that this is good cause while it would be great to be bombarded with how pretty I am in China (lol) I think that this is also a stereotyped notion and is really detrimental to bi-racial Chinese. Cause if you really aren't so pretty, then you get this stigma. Also, there is great beauty in full-Chinese, too (man do I wish I was as pretty as some of these women!), so being bi-racial should not automatically make you prettier. It actually puts TONS of pressure on bi-racials to be pretty and try to maintain that image. I could really relate cause the most Chinese (women only, so far) all comment on my prettiness which wierdly has a stupid side-effect of making me more self-concious and needed to keep up this appearance. I think I will look into this project some more. This is the description that was provided on the site:

"Bi-racial Doll Project is an attempt to look at the stereotypes which people in China (both Chinese local and foreign) have about kids who are 1/2 Chinese. Many parents agree that when they take their child outside in China, they are bombarded with comments about how MORE 'beautiful, cute, healthy, smart, handsome, talented, etc' their 1/2 child is compared to Chinese kids. Another aspect is that these comments are only accessible to both child and parent if they have the language, otherwise it is easy to tune out this babble. Furthermore, people already have an image formed in their head of what a 1/2 Chinese child should look like, act like. This project hopes to challenge those notions."

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