Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Another video!

Its amazing what "related videos" can bring up, there is a lot of trash (what is this "Tribute to black and brown honeyz"?? please, let me go gag now.) but there can also be a lot of great stuff and I can spend hours just click, click, clicking away!

So this workshop seems to be really good, though, and I hope there are things like this in the conference this Saturday. She seems to know a lot and what she brings up seems to be major issues and some great answers in a clear and organized format. I want to see if I can set something like this up in my school, that would be too cool.

UPDATE: This is so cool! I just found out who the speaker is (I was thinking, she is really good, I want to bring her to my school or at least go to a lecture/workshop with her and - boom!) Checked out New Demographic which is the place that put on the workshop, and turns out she is the creator, Carmen Van Kerckhove, who I have heard so much about and I think is even going to be at the SWAYA Multiracialism Conference this weekend! I am sooo excited, and she is also the creator of Racialicious (which I mentioned before), too! This hapa knows her stuff (I think she is hapa... van kerchove... but she looks more asian, so more like hapa-haole) and it would be HUGE if I could meet her (I want to so bad!).

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