So in
this article in Psychology Today it was all about how mixed race people are more beautiful. Now I have heard this before and I have discussed it before in the "bi-racial doll project" blog post but I think I can revisit it a little. I was analyzing the concept of the "beautiful mixed race" stereotype as it is seen in parts of China (probably not everyone has the same views). I mean, this stereotype is brought up a lot, and I mean it really should be a compliment but it also puts pressure on the mixed person, as I have said before. I just thought it was also interesting to see it as I have experienced it in America, not as if I have pictured it to be in China. So in the good old US of A I'd have to say that I have
heard this a lot from people who know anything about mixed race or bring it up, but otherwise I haven't really until I just got into "How I Met Your Mother", man... good series I am kind of obsessed, but then, in one of the first episodes Barney says "you know how I was into half-asian girls? Now its lebanese girls!" Or something to that effect. That was the first time I heard it in a TV show though I could just have not seen the right TV shows or movies. Now don't get me wrong, I still LOVE HIMYM but I was unsure how to take that. Like I said I think that this kind of thing can definitely (after hearing it over and over) get into the psyche and mess around with body image (for better or worse). Now I was very sheltered about it, there were few half-asian kids I knew growing up, and if there were maybe I didn't recognize them (now its automatic if I even get a faint feeling that they are halfies that I find out) although I suppose there were a few. Even then I remember being really excited about meeting them. But of the maybe one I knew it was the half-but-looks-far-more-asian type. The ones like me that blend in (my younger brother once called it "camouflage" which I thought was really clever) clearly did not flaunt that they had an asian parent. They were full-on white suburbia children lol.Who knows that maybe very important :) but anyway I also thought it was interesting because its in "psychology today" and they are now talking about how mixed race is so much
healthier then other pure races. I feel like just a day ago we "had greater tendency to depression" and other health issues then pures. I don't know, its how fast things change I guess. Just a generation ago we were considered "weird-looking". There was a testimony of a half-japanese lady I got an email from (kinda, was a friend of a friend, my friend emailed her testimony to me) that she had major body issues because guys wouldn't go out with her cause she was exactly that "weird-looking" and now we are the next fashion trend? Body image is so messed up in general in the world that this probably doesn't help, these conflicting messages. Like I said, I was very sheltered from all this for most of my life and now its a continuous journey learning more and more about mixed race history. All very interesting.